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Privacy Policy

Part 1- About this Policy


1.1 Purpose

Day by Day Early Intervention is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of personal information gathered and maintained about individuals. Day by Day Early Intervention adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as well as other privacy legislations applicable to private sector health service providers like Day by Day Early Intervention, in handling your personal information (including your health information). This is in addition to compliance with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia’s Code of Conduct (2014).

This Privacy Policy details the methods Day by Day Early Intervention employs in managing personal information that is collected, utilized, and disclosed. As a privately-operated early intervention service, Day by Day Early Intervention pledges not to use or divulge your personal information outside the boundaries established in this document.


Part 2- How Day by Day Early Intervention manages your personal information


2.1. Day by Day Early Intervention’s Legal Obligations

To provide you with the necessary health care services, Day by Day Early Intervention must collect and use personal information about you and your child. Services might be impacted if provided information is incomplete, inaccurate, or if certain personal and health information is withheld.


2.2. What information does Day by Day Early Intervention collect?

Information is collected solely when it is essential for a specific function or activity. We gather only the necessary information to deliver allied health services and to manage client/provider relationships. This may include details such as your and your child’s name, date of birth, address, funding details, and health and family history. Collecting this information is vital for service delivery.


2.3. How does Day by Day Early Intervention collect personal information?

Personal information is primarily obtained directly from you or through a third party (like a family member or another health provider).


2.4. How does Day by Day Early Intervention use your information?

Day by Day Early Intervention employs your and your child’s personal information to deliver clinical therapeutic services. This information aids in direct service provision, managing therapist/client relationships, and contacting you regarding your child’s support. It may also be used for other purposes allowed under the Privacy Act 1988.


2.5. Who might Day by Day Early Intervention disclose information to?

Day by Day Early Intervention might share your or your child’s information with:

Other health professionals – with your consent, information about your child’s support might be shared with other health professionals or educators to collaborate on achieving goals.

The referrer – A discharge summary is typically sent to the referrer (your medical practitioner) after discharge from Day by Day Early Intervention or as required. This is a condition for support under a Chronic Disease Management Plan. Please inform us if you prefer not to have a discharge summary sent to your referrer.

Relatives, guardian, or legal representative – With your consent, information about your child’s support may be shared with other parents, relatives, and legal guardians as appropriate. We adhere to any directions for information sharing given in family court parenting orders.

As mandated notifiers, Day by Day Early Intervention may need to disclose information regarding harm or risk to children and young people to statutory authorities including the Department for Child Protection (Child Abuse Report Line) and SA Police.

Other uses and disclosures - your personal and health information may be used or disclosed for:

activities like quality assurance, accreditation, audits, risk and claims management;

invoicing, billing, and account management.


2.6. Access to and correction of personal information

You are entitled to access the personal and health information we hold about you and your child. In line with the Australian Privacy Principals, access to your or your child’s clinical records may be denied if it is believed that granting access would pose a serious threat to any individual’s life, health, safety, or public health or safety. You can request corrections to your or your child’s personal and health information if you believe it is inaccurate.


2.7. Data Quality

Day by Day Early Intervention commits to ensuring the accuracy, completeness, and currency of the personal information collected, used, or disclosed. This may involve periodic reviews of the information. Please inform Day by Day Early Intervention if any of your or your child’s personal or health information changes.


2.8. Data Security

Day by Day Early Intervention takes measures to protect your and your child’s personal information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. Technologies and processes such as access control procedures, network firewalls, encryption, and secure physical storage are employed for your privacy. Information no longer needed for its collected purpose will be destroyed or de-identified unless retention is mandated by Australian law or a court/tribunal. In compliance with Australian law, your child’s case information will be retained for a minimum of 7 years or until your child turns 25, whichever occurs later.


2.9. What to do if you have a privacy complaint

Should you wish to access your or your child’s personal information, have a complaint about a privacy breach, or have any questions about how your personal information is collected or used, please contact us via email or phone. We will respond promptly to your query or complaint. In the event of a data breach, we will adhere to the Privacy Act 1988 guidelines, act immediately to remedy the breach, and inform you of the necessary actions. For Notifiable Data Breaches, we will follow the aforementioned steps and also notify the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.


2.10. How to contact us about privacy concerns

For any privacy-related concerns, contact Day by Day Early Intervention at phone: 0460 885 008 or


Part 3 - Day by Day Early Intervention’s website information handling


This section outlines how personal information collected from our website: is handled.

3.1. Collection

Personal information is collected on the website only when provided on the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Our Internet Service Provider (ISP) may log the following details for statistical purposes during your visit:

  • your computer address;

  • the date and time of your visit;

  • the pages and documents accessed;

  • the browser type.

Our website management agent may use this statistical data to assess the website’s effectiveness. Domain names and aggregate information are not disclosed to third parties other than agents who assist with the website and who are under confidentiality obligations.


3.2. Cookies

"Cookies" help servers interact more effectively with a visitor's computer. They do not identify individual users, but rather the visitor's ISP and browser type. Our website uses temporary cookies, which are deleted when your browser is closed. This means no personal information is maintained that could identify you later. You may configure your browser to accept or reject all cookies, and to be notified when a cookie is used. Refer to your browser instructions or help screens to learn more about these functions. However, disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our and other websites.


3.3. Links to third party websites

Our website may link to third-party sites. Day by Day Early Intervention is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these external sites.


3.4. Use and disclosure

Any personal information collected via our website will be used in accordance with Day by Day Early Intervention’s privacy policy.



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